CATALINA CRUZ – My Workout Routine In The Next Few Weeks

I can’t wait to get back into my workout routine in the next few weeks. That feeling of a good soreness is the best to me. He is a new after workout special video I did a few weeks ago that is now released inside my and inside too, both photos and full video.

I am on my way to recovering from a surgery I had last week. I am starting to feel myself again. I just got back from a morning walk here in the desert. There are actually clouds in the sky and it was cooler so I enjoyed every second of it. It is those little things in life I love the most!!

I will be live on cam Saturday, August 10th at 1PM ET! I can’t wait to be live again so come see me. Even a few weeks feels like forever to me. haha

Hope to see you on August 10th! Well if anything you will see me:)

Love, Catalina Cruz

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2 thoughts on “CATALINA CRUZ – My Workout Routine In The Next Few Weeks

  1. miguel

    Hi Cata Yor birthday its coming, waiting your special event, and waiting one special announcement, PLEASE more gang bangs and IR special .

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