There is nothing worse than writers block.

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There is nothing worse than writers block. I have a lot to say but just don’t know how I want to say it or where to exactly start so I will just keep typing until it all comes pouring out… I needed to get away from the computer today. It was driving me crazy to sit still and get work done. Here I am once again. I wanted to blog about some sexy events coming up next week… I had a nice long phone converstion with Dayton (yes, the pornstar). Here is another photo of us together at the top left. She is on the left, I’m on the right if weren’t sure. We will be live on cam together August 17th and 18th at 2pm EST. They will be afternoon live shows and I will for sure archive them so they will be up in the members area forever for you to watch so don’t skip work or get in trouble at work to come watch us. hehe Sounds like a plan to me but I don’t want to encourage you:) I am very excited to see her again and hang out. She is so down to earth and fun too and she loves woman which is a bonus for me. *wink*

I wanted to leave you with a qoute of the day I read…I have been called a risk taker and dreamer in the past so this is what I truly believe:

“Dreams are necessary to life.” -Anais Nin

Once we stop dreaming, there is nothing. If you want your dreams to come true, then the next step is to follow them and take action. Don’t talk about it, be about it. This goes out to someone special who I care about and I know can succeed. My thoughts are with a special friend today. Don’t give up. You are special!!

xoxo ~ Catalina Cruz

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