A brand new “Fan Fantasy” video. A little feel like you are in the room with me fantasy with a surprise happy ending. Here are some screenshots from my latest new video that is now released for members inside CatalinaCruz.com and inside my OF too Onlyfans.com/Catalina-Cruz
Today I went and had two exams done for my breasts. I had a mammogram and ultrasound done. I wanted to send you a gentle reminder to get your routine tests done and to see a doctor when you need to, especially if you feel something isn’t right. Just wanted to share that I went today and even though it’s annoying to have to take time to do these things, it is so important to. I learned from my family that waiting can put you in danger sometimes and you may catch a medical issue or be able to treat cancer much earlier.
Sending a lot of love! I will be live on cam this coming Saturday at 1pm ET/10am MST
Love, Catalina Cruz